I guess another question on that front might be about what differentiates Kaius III from Kaius I.
I’ve expanded on the article to address this further. The point of the K3=K3-K1-K3 approach is that Kaius I has molded Kaius III with the intent that Lady Illmarrow can’t tell them apart. He’s done his best to shape his great grandson into a mirror of himself, and Kaius III has committed to that role and that battle. But… who is HE? Does HE even know the answer to that question? Does he want to? He’s overshadowed by the force of his ancestor’s legend and personality. Who is he without it? If you take the K3 is K3, no vampires approach, then the point is still that he does resemble K1 and that people have laid those expectations upon him; he’s still carrying the question of whether he seeks to emulate K1 or to find a different path.
Another question I have is what precisely about the Blood of Vol is Etrigani learning. What kind of spells, knowledge, ect
I don’t see her as actually learning Seeker magic. She’s not a cleric. She’s approaching it as a scholar. She’s talking to Seekers about the role the faith has for them; studying the ways the Seekers use undead to strengthen the community, studying the channeling rituals and the impact they have on Mabaran emanations. I don’t think she has enough information yet to make any sort of case to the Undying Court; keep in mind that she’s first and foremost a QUEEN, not a researcher, so her ability to pursue the matter is limited.
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