In Westeros, there have always been other clans who expressed support or loyalty to follow a larger clan. For example, House Karstark of Karhold declared loyalty to House Stark, before finally switching to House Bolton when the Red Wedding occurred.
Another example is House Tarly of Horn Hill to House Tyrell of Highgarden. Randyll Tarly once touched on this loyalty (in the series) when he talked to Jaime about planning an attack on Cersei’s political enemies. Randyll had reservations about the plan because his clan had sworn allegiance to the Tyrells, although in the end the plan was carried out.
Noble house Others who are known for their political character are of course the Lannisters. There are some house who hold allegiance to the Lannisters, one of whom is House Clegane of Clegane’s Keep. So far, this clan is only known from two characters who often appear, both in series and books, namely Sandor Clegane (The Hound) and his older brother Gregor Clegane (The Mountain). In fact, some fans can’t wait to see if the Cleganebowl between the two brothers will actually happen.
The Lannister’s Role in the History of House Clegane
The history of House Clegane cannot be separated from the Lannister clan, especially Tytos Lanniester, father of Tywin, grandfather of Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion. The first knight and first leader of House Clegane was one kennel master or the dog guard-trainer at Casterly Rock during Tytos’ reign. Tytos succeeded his father, Gerold Lannister, in power. Unlike the Lannister characters known today, who are tough and ambitious, Tytos is underestimated and exploited because he tends to be weak-willed, trusting easily, and quick to forgive opponents.
One day, Tytos was walking accompanied by the kennelmaster when he was attacked by a pack of lions. Tytos, who was weak and cornered, was finally rescued by the kennelmaster who ended up losing three dogs and one of his legs in the fight. For his services, Tytos gave territory to the kennelmaster and appointed him as landed knight there. This is the origin of the formation of House Clegane.
Landed knight itself is the name for a knight who owns and guards a territory. They have natural resources as well as humans to cultivate their land, so sometimes landed knight had a larger territory than a poor lord. On the other hand, landed knight does not have the authority to determine legal action in its territory.
Landed knights swear to fight for the clan that owns most of the area around their territory. House Clegane inhabits the Westerlands, the western region of Westeros known as the Kingdom of the Rock before the time of the Targaryen Conquest. The Weterlands are ruled by House Lannister. House Clagane’s banner is three dogs on a yellow background. This cannot be separated from the story of the kennel master who lost three dogs while rescuing Tytos. Their land is southeast of Casterly Rock with a residence in the form of a building called Clegane’s Keep.
Sang kennel master had a son who was fathered by Gregor and Sandor Clegane. His son died in an incident not long after Robert Baratheon was crowned king. Gregor and Sandor actually had a younger sister who also died for unknown reasons. Some believe that this little sister was murdered by Gregor. In fact, there are also rumors that their father was also killed by Gregor. When his father died, Gregor automatically became heir to the throne of House Clegane.
Gregor Clegane and His Brutality
Gregor is known as a monster. Apart from his physical size which makes him the biggest man (the reason why Gregor is called The Mountain) in Westeros, Gregor also has a cruel and angry nature, and is a brutal fighter. Ser Brynden Tully even nicknamed Gregor “a scummy dog”.
Since childhood, Gregor has shown a temperamental attitude. When he was 9 or 11, a wooden toy made by craftsmen at Clegane’s Keep caused Gregor to push his younger brother (Sandor) into a fire, leaving his face partially burned. Gregor thinks that Sandor is trying to steal his toy. However, his father defended Gregor by telling the people that Sandor had been hit by a burning blanket while sleeping. This makes Sandor have a phobia of fire.
According to his servant (squire), Joss Stillwood, Gregor had severe headaches which made him consume milk of the poppywhich is a medicinal drink made from flowers poppy. It is said that this disease is caused by gigantism in the body. This pain is also what makes Gregor so irritable and brutal.
The famous story is the murder that Gregor committed on Elia Martell and her children. At that time, Gregor was 17 years old and already serving House Lannister. In the event of the Robert Rebellion or rebellion Sack of King’s Landing, Gregor and the Lannister soldiers successfully enter the Red Keep. Gregor killed Elia and Rhaegar’s children, a daughter named Rhaenys and her infant son, Aegon. Aegon was killed by being thrown against a wall, then Gregor raped and killed Elia with hands still stained with Aegon’s blood. Gregor says he killed Elia by crushing her head, as he did to Oberyn Martell.
The fight against Oberyn occurred when Gregor became a fighter representing Cersei Lannister (trial by combat) when Tyrion becomes a royal prisoner as a result of being accused of being the murderer of King Joffrey. Oberyn is willing to represent Tyrion who failed to persuade Bronn to become his fighter. Oberyn sees this as an opportunity to avenge his younger sister, Elia.
Oberyn fought with a weapon covered in manticore poison (a type of deadly insect), although in the end Gregor was injured and exposed to the poison, Oberyn died in the same way Gregor killed Elijah.
Gregor kills Oberyn while confessing his actions to Elijah. In the book, it is explained that Tywin, who heard this, was worried that House Martell would side with Stannis Baratheon, which would trigger a war between the five kingdoms. Tywin wants Gregor punished to gain the Martell Clan’s sympathy. Tywin then thought of healing Gregor first by asking Qyburn for help. According to him, Gregor should die by royal law, not poison.
Gregor’s condition seemed beyond saving. In fact, the leeches that Qyburn used to suck out the poison from Gregor’s body also died quickly. The poison slowly kills and tortures Gregor. Qyburn performs experiments on a dying Gregor. Word spread that Gregor had finally died. Gregor’s bones were sent to Sunspear (Dorne). There, Obara Sands had doubts if it was really Gregor’s bones, although Tyene was finally convinced.
In King’s Landing, a new Kingsguard appeared, a large man wearing all-white armor and who never spoke. Even though he was introduced as Robert Strong, many people in the Red Keep guessed the Kingsguard’s true identity.
Sandor Clegane and the Past That Shaped Him
Sandor Clegane is known as The Hound for several reasons. Creepy appearance (one of which is due to burns), obedience to House Lannister, and the coat of arms of House Clegane. The Hound joined House Lannister without taking the oath as a knight because he didn’t want to see The Mountain again. Supposedly, when Joffrey came to power, The Hound was appointed as one of the Kingsguard, but he disappeared from King’s Landing during the Battle of the Blackwater. Allegedly because of his fear of fire wildfire which was indeed used massively in that battle.
Unlike his older brother, even though he is tough, The Hound still has a good side. When Gregor attacked Loras Tyrell who was the winner at the Tourney of Harrenhall, The Hound protected Loras which resulted in his fight against Gregor. This fight was finally stopped on the orders of Robert Baratheon. The Hound replaces Ser Barristan Selmy who was dismissed from his Kingsguard position. He becomes the supervisor of Sansa Stark who is being betrothed to King Joffrey. Even so, The Hound tends to protect Sansa from Joffrey’s cruelty.
The Hound often protects Sansa. For example, during the riot of King’s Landing where Sansa was almost raped and killed by a group of people angry with Joffrey’s government. Also when Joffrey accused Sansa of being a traitor like her brother, Robb, in front of the Iron Throne. At that time, Joffrey asked the guards to beat Sansa and asked one of them to strip Sansa naked, which was finally stopped by Tyrion’s arrival. The Hound protects Sansa and covers Sansa’s body with his cloak.
During his escape, Sandor was captured by the Mad Huntsman and taken to be punished by the Brotherhood without Banners. There, The Hound met Arya Stark who complained about The Hound’s mistake (killing Mycah) to Beric Dondarrion. While it wasn’t enough for Beric to punish The Hound, they were still deeply involved trial by combat where The Hound suffered defeat. Beric released The Hound who eventually went with Arya to The Twins to escort Arya to meet Robb and his family who ended up dying in the Red Wedding.
Sandor took the initiative to continue taking Arya to all her relatives, from Lysa Arryn in The Vale to Brynden Tully in Riverrun. On this journey, they met squire from The Mountain which reports about the chaos at Riverrun where Edmure surrendered Riverrun to the Lannisters and Frey and Brynden fled.
The Hound and Arya fight against several squire This was until The Hound received quite serious injuries to his body. Arya helps treat infected wounds, removes The Hound’s name from the list of people she wants to kill, then leaves The Hound alone.
On the other side of Westeros, Brienne of Tarth has a promise to Catelyn to save Sansa. Brienne gets information that Sansa was taken away by The Hound which someone finally confirms is Arya. That person also said The Hound was dead in his hands. In fact, the person he was fighting was someone who stole and used The Hound’s helmet when committing the crime.
Continuing the journey, Brienne meets someone wearing The Hound’s helmet. A man named Rorge took the helmet from the grave which allegedly contained The Hound’s body. Brienne and Rorge were involved in a battle which resulted in Rorge’s death. This helmet was eventually recovered by Lem Lemoncloak while traveling with the Brotherhood.
Thoros of Myr asks Lem to throw away the helmet. Glue anyway save and use it. With this new identity, Lem serves Lady Stoneheart, who is the dead body of Catelyn Stark who was brought back to life by Beric. Some people are reporting that The Hound is now joining the Brotherhood (actually Lem Lemoncloak). There is news that the real Hound is still alive and living in a house of worship on Quiet Isle.
*Written by Desi Mandasari (@desimanda)
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